mercurialis perennis การใช้
- They are most successful on slightly acid soils; the same niche in alkaline conditions may be occupied by other species such as " Mercurialis perennis ".
- A typical example would be dog's mercury ( " Mercurialis perennis " ), a plant slow to colonise new sites, but common in ancient woodland and old hedgerows.
- The Slough Burn still rises from the marshy area below the Broadhirst Woods, however the limestone quarry that served the limekilns is now abandoned, surviving as an area rich in wildlife, containing old woodland indicator plants such as Wood Anemone ( Anemone nemorosa ), Bluebell ( Hyacinthoides non-scripta ), Wood Sorrel ( Oxalis acetosella ), Dog's Mercury ( Mercurialis perennis ), Herb Robert ( Geranium robertianum ) and other species.
- Woodland plants such as wood sorrel, " Oxalis acetosella ", wood millet, " Milium effusum ", and dog's mercury, " Mercurialis perennis ", have established themselves in the shadier crevices, while rue-leaved saxifrage, " Saxifraga tridactylites ", shining cranesbill " Geranium lucidum ", and common whitlow grass, " Erophila verna ", occur in the most exposed situations.